Frequently Asked Questions:
How do I know about the details of the post for which Recruitment is notified?

The notification showing the name of the post, qualification vacancy details etc. can be seen on this website as well as employment News/Rozgar Smachar, Local Dalies of it's Zonal jurisdiction. Indicative notification drawing attention to the detailed notification is also published in National Newspapers.

What is the frequency of holding examinations?

As per existing rules the vacancy notification would be published once in two year. But this is subject to modifications.

How to get application form? Is there any laid format which is to be adhered to?

The application form and format for different certificates required such as for SC, ST, OBC etc. are published in the Employment notification and can also be downloaded from this site.

Why my computer is unable to open the PDF Files (downloads section)?

You require PDF reader to open these files. First Download a PDF Reader. After downloading you have to installs this PDF Reader in your computer. Then try again to open these PDF files, it should open then from there you can save the file or print the file directly.

What care I should take while filling up the application form?

Detailed Employment notification must be read carefully before filling up the form. Attach all the attested copies of the relevant and required certificates; ensure that proper fee is submitted through IPO or demand Draft/Pay Order from a Nationalized bank. Make sure that you have filled in all the required details in the application form in the format prescribed.

What is the amount and mode of payment of application fee?

The Examination fee for un-reserved and OBC candidates is Rs. 40/- (Rs. Forty) only. Candidates belonging to SC/ST are fully exempted from payment of examination fees. The application fee can be submitted in the form of IPO or Demand Draft/Pay Order. IPO/DD/Pay Order should not be of a date prior to the date of notification and having a validity of not less than 6 months. The Demand Draft should be from a nationalized bank. Cash/Money Order or any other form of fee is not acceptable. Employment Notification should be referred to for finding in whose favor the DD/IPO/Pay Order should be drawn.

How should I send my application to Railway Recruitment Board?

The duly filled in application form along with copies of relevant certificates and photograph, comp-lying with the requirements as laid down in the Employment Notification should be sent either through ordinary post or dropped in the specific box provided at Railway Recruitment Board's office. Application sent through speed post, Registered post and Courier etc. will not be acknowledged.

How do I know the scheduled of the examination and the center allotted?

The schedule of examination both for Physical Efficiency Test (PET) and written test would be published in the News papers of Zonal jurisdiction, Employment notice and on this website. Railway Recruitment Board also sends call letters to the eligible candidates under UPC for the examination. The call letters are sent to the candidates before 1 month of the scheduled date.

What if I do not receive any communication from Railway Recruitment Board for the examination?

You can know the status of your application on this website or contact Railway Recruitment Board, Western Railway, Mumbai on Tel. Nos. listed in “CONTACT US” section of this website. As per scheduled published in Newspapers and on website a special enquiry counter is also made operational prior to the date of PET and written examination to facilitate candidates.


Do not get involved with any Self Claimed mediator/touts. The selection procedure is fully computerized, fool proof and not open to manipulation. Result is based strictly on merit in conformity with Government guidelines.