Emblem of India
सी ई एन आर आर सी - 01/2025 - CEN RRC - 01/2025
Indian Railways Logo



Kindly use Edge Chromium or Mozilla Firefox (version 93 to 110) or Google Chrome (version 88 to 111) or Microsoft Edge(version 87 to 110) browser to fill in the Application Form.

The Application Form is compatible with Android (version 4.0 and above) and iOS (version 9 and above)

Fields marked with * are mandatory.

Read the below instructions carefully, before filling the form:

  • On successful registration, you will receive the Login ID and Password on your registered email. Use these to login and fill your online application form.
  • In case of any difficulties, you may contact the helpdesk through helpdesk tab after login and/or Email at info@rrbrailway-gov.com from 10 AM to 5 PM on all working days.
  • Candidate are advised to submit only one application for a post. In case of submission of more than one application by a candidate to a post, the latest application shall only be considered. For applying to separate posts, individual registration and submission has to be done by candidate for all the applications.

Candidate Login Form

forget password ?

Important Information

Read the below instructions carefully, before filling up the form:

  1. Candidate has to fill the details to receive the User ID and Password.
  2. Candidate will receive the User ID and Password on the registered email address and or on the registered mobile number. Overseas candidates will receive both User ID and Password on registered email address.
  3. Candidate can login with the User ID and Password to complete the application form for Supreme Court of India.
  4. Candidate must provide Correct Name (as mentioned in 10th Certificate), Date of Birth, Mobile Number and Email Address as these details cannot be changed once the registration is completed.
Starting date for application
01 Feburary 2025 (16:00 PM)
Last date for online submission
11 March 2025 (23:55 PM)
Helpdesk - Please feel free to contact through Helpdesk tab integrated in the Application portal.
Helpline No. +11 449283776