Candidate Registration Form
Instructions for Registration Form
One-time Registration: One-time Registration will be a permanent database for the candidate. The unique Registration ID and Password can be used by the candidate for all the recruitments conducted by rrb. This facility would be available to the candidates to register themselves with rrb, 24X7, throughout the year. After verifying the link sent on e-mail id provided by the candidate, the User’s account will get activated.
Account Activation: The user can then login and fill his profile information. Candidates must enter all the information on the Applicant sign-up page. Please ensure that you provide a valid e-mail address because an e-mail will be sent by rrb -H to the registered e-mail ID of the candidate for account activation. Please also ensure that the date of birth is as mentioned in the matriculation certificate only.
Login Information: Once the account is activated by the user, please login. The e-mail address and the password provided by the candidate at the time of registration must be entered in order to login to the account.
Important Instructions
Important Note: Please ensure the accuracy of the following details as they will not be changed later.
- Enter your Name and Date of Birth as per your Matriculation certificate. These details cannot be changed later.
- In case you forget your password, you will need the following details for recovery: Email Address, Date of Birth, and Contact Number.
Password Guidelines: Your password should meet the following requirements:
- Password length should be between 8 to 16 characters.
- Password must contain at least one Upper Case Letter.
- Password must contain at least one Number.
- Password must include at least one Special Character, such as !,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,(,),-,+,=,[,],:.